Borrowing Books from Rentschler Library
Community users at least 18 years of age are welcome to borrow up to 5 books at a time from the Rentschler Library collection after obtaining a Community Borrower’s Card. Please see our Borrowing Policy for more information.
Your Rentschler Library Community Borrower’s card also enables you to request items from Gardner-Harvey Library in Middletown, from SWORD (the Southwest Ohio Regional Depository), and through OhioLINK. However, you will not be able to borrow materials from the University Libraries in Oxford unless you become a member in the “Affiliated Patrons of the Libraries,” at a cost of $25. per year. Please contact King Library’s Dean’s Office at (513) 529-2800 for more information about this program.
Visitors from other OhioLINK Libraries can also borrow books from our collection by bringing a current and active ID from their home institution.
Computer Usage
Library staff can log library visitors that are at least 18 years of age onto a public computer station. Please note that the primary purpose of public computers in the Libraries is to provide Miami students, faculty, and staff access to information that supports research, instruction, and the dissemination of scholarship. Consequently, Miami-affiliated clients receive priority in the use of the Libraries’ public computers. Should all computers be in use, non-affiliated clients will be asked to relinquish their computer. Please see our complete Use of Public Workstations Policy for more information.
Printing and Copying
Black-and-white printing costs $.10 per page/side, and color printing costs $.25 per page/side. Black-and-white or color copies can be made using the printer/photocopier for the same prices. Unaffiliated users can pay for printing/copying with a credit/debit card or eCheck using the Emarket Payment System.
Children in the Library
Children are welcome to visit the library as long as they are accompanied by a parent or adult caregiver and under appropriate supervision, and are considerate of other patrons using the library. Teens over the age of 16 may use the library unattended after a parent or guardian has visited the library to fill out a “Library Use” form authorizing him/her to come to the library unsupervised and confirming the receipt of a copy of the library’s “User Behavior Policy.” More details about children using the library are described in our “Policy on Unattended Children.”
Alumni Access to the Library
Miami alumni who wish to borrow books from Rentschler Library will need to fill out a Community Borrower’s Card application. This card grants alumni the same privileges and obligations as Community Borrowers. Please see our “Community Borrowers” policy for more information.
The Alumni Association provides access for alumni to some online databases. More details are available on the Alumni Association page.