Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) will help you obtain items that are not available from Miami University Libraries or OhioLINK. In order to serve you best, you will need to have as much bibliographic information about the item as possible. For books, this includes the author, title, and edition (if applicable). For articles that you found in one of the databases but full-text was not available, click the link in the pop-up window that says “Request this item through Interlibrary Loan.” Once you’ve logged into ILLiad, you’ll see that the request form has been filled out for you with all the information for the article you need. For other articles, please be sure to include the complete article author, article title, journal title, volume, issue, and page numbers (if known). Interlibrary Loan items can take up to 3 weeks for delivery, so please allow ample time between your request date and when the resource is needed. You can submit a request by going to the main University Libraries’ ILLiad page. The first time you request an item through ILLiad, you will have to fill out some basic information about yourself before you request your item.

Request Items through ILLiad (Interlibrary Loan)